Today we finally make it to the end of the weight loss journey 2022. Six long months of dieting and several pounds lost. Congratulations for making it to the end and getting in shape, it wasn't easy!
Hopefully you learned a substantial amount about how to eat in healthy portions, what macro nutrients are, and how to adjust your diet for fat loss. You can go back and reference the weeks during the weight loss journey to help guide you in the future. Now it is important to add calories back into your diet slowly, so you can maintain your fat loss without binging and picking up bad habits only to put a lot fat right back on. Our goal is to get to maintenance level or eat enough macro nutrients to maintain over current weight. After stabilizing at maintenance you should feel much better in terms of energy and strength and still look great with the fat you just lost. I will remain at maintenance for a few weeks and then go into a small surplus to gain muscle tissue without adding a lot of unwanted fat. Adding calories back into your diet and maintaining your weight is a personalized endeavor, but I do list some recommendations below. Everyone has a certain body fat level that they desire to maintain. I hope to give you tools to understand how to maintain that weight.
I will periodically provide updates on diet, strength training, and cardio. Thanks for following along!
High Day
.80 grams per pound of bodyweight
.60 grams per pound of bodyweight
Add 5% carbs if you notice you are still losing weight
.25 grams per pound of bodyweight
+5 grams of fat
Add 5% every 2 weeks for 2 months
Low Day: No Low Days
Cardio: Minimum 3 times a week for 20 minutes
- 2 days and -5 minutes
Strength training: Minimum 3 times a week
-1 day
Not tracking Macro's?
High Day- 3 Carb Meals
Add an additional 1/2 serving of carbs if you notice you are still dropping weight
My Maintenance phase
280 grams
255 grams
50 grams
Week 1 weight
210.8 lbs
Current weight
195.6 lbs
Goal Weight
195 lbs
5x a week for 30 mins
- 2 days and -10 mins
Strength training
6x a week
Phase 2 Maintenance
High Day
280 grams
170 grams
Adding 10 grams of carbs if weight is still dropping throughout the week
45 grams
+5 grams of fat
Adding 5 grams of fat every 2 weeks for 2 months
Low Day : No low days

Congratulations! Now show us your muscles. Really Zac this entire 6 month series and the results are worth packaging. I refer back to different weeks and the numbers often, even though I’m not a very consistent fat loser. Nice work